A deep muscle tissue massage targets the skeletal muscles. These are the muscles that help us stay upright. They attach to the shoulder blades, hip bones, elbows, feet and knees, and assist with the movement of your body. Because a deep tissue massage targets these muscles, the effects of such a massage last quite long.
Massage therapy is synonymous with spas and physiotherapy, which are relatively new-fangled inventions. It can, therefore, be tempting to think that massage therapy is a novel treatment. However, massage therapy is one of the oldest strategies for pain relief:
With something that is so up close and personal, massage is certainly not one size fits all. Just as there have been different massage techniques through the ages, so too do different techniques of massage exist today for various needs. Here are the benefits of three types of deep tissue massage:
At Swift Results Massage Therapy, we are passionate about massage, and it is our mission to furnish you with a wellness plan that leaves you pain and tension free and able to be your best self.
Contact us today to begin your journey to wellness.
Monday : Closed
Tuesday: 11:00am – 7pm
Wednesday: 9:30am – 7pm
Thursday: 9:30am – 6:00pm
Friday: 9:30am – 4:00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed